

(updated 06-03-24)

*Must compete in gender of birth

Weapons & Forms Scoring:

9.99 is 1st place, 9.98 is 2nd place, 9.97 is 3rd place, 9.96 is 4th place. All others 9.90-9.95

*2 competitors or Tie Breaker – Referees will call for show of hands *There will be no deduction for the weapon touching the floor. All competitors will perform, track performance. Then bring back up for scoring. Cannot repeat your top 4 numbers.

*If Weapon dropped or fumbled, score with mistake as part of your scoring.

Criteria for Judging:

  • Gymnastics, acrobatics, splits or other freestyle type movements not allowed. Full uniform required.
  • Judging based on use manipulation & control of the weapon(s) or just techniques in empty hand forms then Balance, Stances, Focus, Technical, Presentation, & Difficulty
  • Flag Sparring 1 min rounds (can be one judge).
  • You can’t hold your opponent. If one opponent goes down then the match stops until competitor gets back up. No wrists or finger locks. If a flag accidentally falls out judge will put it back in and reset match. Whoever gets all 3 flags, or the most, by the end of time wins. If tie at end, sudden death.
  • 2 min or 10 Point Spread whichever comes first.
  • Face Shields Mandatory-except Adults then just Headgear required.
  • All Kicks 2 Points, All Hands 1 Point. All parts of Head allowed, except bops to top of head, front and side torso. (ie. Hammerfist, or jump touch)
  • There will be a 10 second time out for coaches in all age divisions.
  • One Coach allowed to sit in chair and coach.
  • Chest Protectors highly recommended for ages 17 and below. MMA gloves not allowed. Footgear must cover toes.
  • If two judges can’t agree on a 1 or 2 point for the same competitor then 1 point will be awarded.
  • If no one in division; competitor will do an exhibition match agreed by referees.
  • Uniform and belt required.

*In all Sparring divisions bowing out in the first round is a disqualification from the division.

  • Music required and must be provided by the competitor.
  • 1 inversion required in CMX Forms and 1 inversion or release of weapon required in CMX Weapons. Full uniform required.
  • Judging based on Balance, Stances, Focus, Technical, Presentation, & Difficulty. In CMX weapons judging also based on use manipulation & control of the weapon.
  • Padded Swords 1 min rounds
  • Must wear helmet and faceshield. Legs, arms, back not legal targets. Target areas: front core/trunk, shoulders, and head.
  • MUST have both hands on sword to score. No single hand grabs. All techs 1 pt.
    Maximum points at end of time or 10 point spread.
  • Juniors 17 and below: 1 round only – 1:00 min., Adults 18 and up 2 one minute round with 30 sec. rest period in between.
  • Chest Protectors are MANDATORY for ages 9 & Below. Face shield
    mandatory for ages 17 and below. Adults headgear is required.
  • Head/face contact is light. Kicks and punches allowed to head/face and front/side torso; except ages 17 and below. For ages 17 and below NO HANDS TO HEAD. No leg kicks.
  • There will be a 10 second time out for coaches in all age divisions.
  • One Coach allowed to sit in chair and coach.
  • Winner will be determined by a show of hands at the end of time.
  • Up to 3 hand strikes are allowed in a fury, then either a disengagement or kicks required. Ref can/will separate.
  • MMA gloves not allowed. Footgear must cover toes.
  • Winner will be determined be general ringmanship, strikes landed both kicks and hands, and aggressiveness.
  • Uniform and belt required.
  • NEW if center ref feels at any point the match is one sided or uncompetitive, they can call both referees and a majority decision can be made stop the match and announce a winner.
  • In all Sparring divisions bowing out in the first round is a disqualification
    from the division. Referee can go straight to disqualification if needed.
  • 2 technical fouls allowed per event to any person in the building. 2nd technical foul they are kicked out of the building.
  • Protests: Protests can be requested up until awards are given out. Protests may or may not be granted. Usual protests are: weights verification, birth certificate verification, skill level verification, and points tabulation error. Judges/refs calls or non calls cannot be protested.

Code of Conduct/Instructor/Competitor/Coach/Spectator/Coach/Parent or other Participant

Our primary goal is to provide a Safe, Fair and Motivating Environment in which a competitor can test their skills. It is through our example of Excellence that we can achieve our goal.